Since earlier I mentioned how much I was enjoying "Freakonomics", I figure I should give an update now that I've finished it.

As the authors explain, there isn't necessarily a theme to the topics discussed in this book. It's more about applying tools and ideas (data, incenitve, correlation vs. causation) to a variety of interesting questions (why did crime rates drop?, do real estate agents sell their own homes just as they help sell others?, does a baby's name influence the child's success in school?).

All in all, I really enjoyed this book. I listened to the unabridged audiobook version, so a couple lists and tables were read aloud that probably would have looked a little nicer on a page, but it was easy to follow. Now and then I found an assumption to be oversimplified, or less than unshakable. All in all it's great to see data and what should be common sense used explain trends and answer questions contrary to conventional wisdom.

Steven Levitt's name is popping up with more and more frequency, unless I only seem to be seeing it more and more now that I'm aware of it. The book's website has some excerpts and articles and a blog from the authors, if you'd like a taste.